Thursday 9 October 2008

antifrank's top tips for identifying witless cretins on internet threads

1) Misspelling politicians' names for supposed comic effect (this is pretty well infallible)
2) Use of more than one exclamation mark in a row.
3) Emoticons
4) Asking questions that can be solved by a) reading or b) googling or c) looking on wikipedia
5) References to a) Nazis b) the EUSSR c) Nazis and the EUSSR d) Bilderberg e) Bullingdon

More to follow in due course, no doubt.

Friday 17 August 2007

Welcome to visitors

I'm impressed at how many visitors have turned up to a blank blog in the last couple of days since I asked a BBC editor for clarification of her post. Wouldn't you have been better engaged in answering my questions?

Friday 15 June 2007

Why I don't blog

I've noticed a few people have clicked on my name - presumably, they have seen my posts elsewhere and want to see whether I keep a blog. Sorry, I don't. Why not?

1) I don't have the time
2) I have no particular inside track on any subject
3) I can express my opinions fully on other people's blogs and media websites

If that sounds a bit wet and disappointing, so be it. Cheer yourself up with the thought that I'd probably be just another muppet with outpourings of crazed conspiracy theories posted late at night under the influence of alcohol.